Cosmetic breast surgery doesn’t have to involve changing the size or shape of the breasts. In fact, some women are more concerned with the appearance of their nipples. This can include the size, projection and position of the nipple itself, as well as attributes of the areola or the pigmented skin around the nipple. At Precision Medical Specialists, we are equipped to offer nipple repair and nipple reconstruction procedures for patients who are not happy with this central area of their breasts.

It is not uncommon to feel self-conscious about your nipples. The appearance of nipples can vary widely from patient to patient. While you may be content with your unique set of nipples, there are others who are bothered by their size, projection, position or asymmetry. Fortunately, a cosmetic breast surgeon can correct the following nipple and areola imperfections:

  • Inverted (or retracted) nipples
  • Enlarged nipples and/or areolas
  • Sagging nipples
  • Sideways pointing nipples
  • Overly prominent or protruding nipples
  • Elongated or stretched-out nipples
  • Asymmetric nipples or areolas

Whether you were born with inverted nipples (nearly 10% report having at least one flat or retracted nipple) or your nipples have stretched-out and elongated after breastfeeding, a plastic surgeon can help. Keep in mind that breast and nipple surgery is not just reserved for female patients. Men can also benefit from nipple correction, especially since a male chest is more exposed than females.

We understand the detriment that this feature of your breast can have on your overall self-confidence if your nipples are too large, too flat or otherwise unsightly. Call Precision Medical Specialists today to learn more about nipple reduction or nipple reconstruction from a trusted board certified cosmetic breast surgeon in Wellington. We offer a full menu of plastic surgery services for the breast and body.