Regardless of where it is performed on your body, plastic surgery requires a designated period of healing and recovery. Adhering to the post-operative instructions given to you by your plastic surgeon will not only help prevent complications, but it will also foster better results. When it comes to rhinoplasty, healing and recovery is especially important. Not only is the nose a central feature on your face, but nose surgery (rhinoplasty) is one of the most complex procedures in plastic surgery, involving delicate tissues, cartilage and bone. Complications after your rhinoplasty could also impact your ability to breathe.

While you can expect a detailed list and discussion is allowed and not allowed after your rhinoplasty, there are some general rules to follow. To foster comfortable and fast healing and protect your nose surgery results, you will be asked to avoid the following in the first days or weeks after a rhinoplasty:

Strenuous Activity and Exercise.  Getting your heart rate too high can cause excessive blood flow to your face, which can lead to swelling and cause a risk of bleeding after surgery. Sweat can also cause irritations within your skin as it is trying to heal. Light walking is encouraged to prevent blood clots, but do your best to let your body rest as much as possible.

Blowing Your Nose. This can be dangerous after nose surgery, as a forced blow can cause damage to the nasal mucous or bleeding. If you suffer from seasonal allergies, plan your surgery accordingly.

Sun Exposure. The skin needs to be protected while it is healing to avoid unsightly scarring. This undoubtedly includes staying away from too much UV exposure or sunlight.

Wearing Glasses. You’ll want to avoid anything that can cause indentations in the cartilage or other soft tissues of the nose, such as wearing sunglasses or reading glasses.

Lying Flat. After any facial plastic surgery, it’s better to keep your head elevated (even while sleeping) while you recover. This can reduce swelling and discomfort.

Smoking or Alcohol. Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor, which means it impedes blood flow to your tissues and can slow the healing process. Alcohol can thin your blood as well as interact with pain medications you may be taking after surgery.

To learn more about what to expect during your rhinoplasty recovery, schedule a consult at Precision Medical Specialists in Wellington. We offer a full menu of nasal plastic surgeries, including revision rhinoplasty, saddle nose repair, teen rhinoplasty and nostril reduction.